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A Window to the Wisdom of a sifu

Writer: SigungSigung

Updated: Mar 2

Being a Sifu is more than just a job; it is a meaningful calling filled with experiences that extend beyond training. While Sifu's share knowledge, they also impart life-changing wisdom that profoundly influences their students. A Sifu's ability to build strong relationships with students is one of their most valuable skills. These connections create a safe environment for students to express their thoughts and feelings freely.

As such, our online STORM leadership circle allows students to share their experience in kung fu training as they grow and study kung fu on a deeper level.

Recently, one of our black sash's expressed their insight which was so on point, we decided to share it with everyone.

"I have been training in this school since 2014. One thing that Sigung and Sifu have always taught is that you have to make room in your life to study kung fu. It cannot be the only thing in your life. It can rarely be the first thing in your life, but it should never be the last thing. I am more inspired by the people who slug it out next to me day in and day out. Who come to class in spite of tightness and sore muscles, in spite of injury or surgery or financial struggles, in spite of their families wanting them to skip class “just this once”. I am inspired by those who rearrange their work schedules so that they can be on the floor when Sigung and Sifu are teaching. Not once or twice a month, but multiple times a week, consistently, for years at a time. If you are looking for inspiration you can look to the left of you and to the right of you because it is there. But look longest at the front of the room where my teachers are because that is where real dedication to the study of kung fu can be found."

One of the most valuable lessons the Sifu's impart is the importance of lifelong learning. They demonstrate that learning does not end with black sash, but instead kung fu training is a mature, intellectual and evolving lifestyle with the ultimate goal of a better life, a longer life, and a life with deep meaning, purpose, and connection with others through something greater than ourselves.


Beautiful and so poignant


“…Kung fu training is a mature, intellectual and evolving lifestyle with the ultimate goal of a better life, a longer life, and a life with deep meaning, purpose, and connection with others through something greater than ourselves.”

Wow! Yes!


I have found that what I learn from both Sigung and Sifu extends way beyond the curriculum. Oh, the joy of that flash of insight as I see the "lesson within the lesson". I am so thankful to be under their instruction.


Fu Shou
Fu Shou
Feb 27

Amazing and Incredible!! Thank you so much for sharing this lesson!!

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